
Monday, December 3, 2007

random # 6

HAPPY things happened this week :

-went for my very first squash competition

-i can do crossing legs and brake le!! thx to cik cheryl yang begitu susah untuk teach kita
as we are straight A's student and shes not. she said that, subtly insulting us :(

-freeloaded starbucks and j co's

-shot someone down

-saw K.P. Tan godlike for the first time. ITWASFREAKINGSCARRY. KPTHEGOD

-found out that index was quite easy and got fucked by triangles

-tried to spread islam to few christian, though failed, i still feel happy for spreading islam.

-cursed kids

#special thx to K.P. Tan

-for lending me prison break

-intro me to a freaking nice game.
(i made a full max combo after 2 hours, slow?)

SAD things happened in this week:

- accidently entered females and kena ketawa by orang yang berada dalam. EMBARASSING SIAL and SORRY I DIDNT NOT SEE ANYTHING!! I SWEAR!!

- lost my camera battery and my phone is not working wooo.

- making my blog look dull

- no more skating lesson.

- lost my initial d rx8 card and lost 4 rounds of intial d to kunheng.
DAMNIT i wan my rx8!!

- watched THE LAST BREATH. pls dont watch it waste your money and time.

- no income for this week

- lost in my squash game. i was able to win, somehow it turned out like crap.

- suffering the injuries of skating

- my emo side is overwhelming me again

- no redbox for months

- obs is soon.


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